Pedro T. Monteiro obtained a BSc and MSc from IST - Universidade Técnica de Lisboa (in Computer Science and Engineering), having then worked one year in the private sector. In 2010, he obtained a dual PhD from IST - Universidade Técnica de Lisboa (in Computer Science and Engineering) and Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 (in Bioinformatique), developed at the IBIS Group (Hidde de Jong) at INRIA Grenoble - Rhône-Alpes, France. He then held a Postdoctoral researcher position at Molecular Microbiology and Infection Unit (Mário Ramirez) from Instituto de Medicina Molecular (IMM), followed by a Postdoctoral researcher position at the Network Modelling group (Claudine Chaouiya) from Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência (IGC). In 2013, he was the recipient of an Investigador FCT Starting Grant as a research fellow at INESC-ID Lisboa. In 2016 he joined the faculty of the CSE Dep. at Instituto Superior Técnico (IST) - Universidade de Lisboa. During the spring semester of 2019, he was a Visiting researcher at the MABioS group at Institut de Mathématiques de Marseille (I2M). Since 2023 he serves as Coordinator of the MSc in Computer Science and Engineering (MEIC), the largest and best MSc at IST - Universidade Técnica de Lisboa. During 2021 and 2022 he served as vice-coordinator.